How Realistic is Your To-Do List? Are You Doing What’s on God’s To-do List?


Have you ever crossed off every item on your to-do list and still felt . . . swamped? you didn’t do enough?

That happened to me while on my study “vacation.” I didn’t realize that there is such a disparity between my written to-do list and my mental to-do list.

Another thing I do is “beat myself up” because I didn’t accomplish more. That’s not very fair, is it? I now resolve to be gentler and more realistic regarding my to-do lists.

You know what’s so cool though?

God never has a hidden agenda when it comes to His to-do list for us.

Are you burdened by impossible to-do lists? Just how do you DO it all? What is your resolve today? Finally, are you ticking off the most important things on God’s To-DO List for You?

About susan2009

I am a 61?year old female who finished her BA in Theology/Christian Leadership. I was on the 30 year plan. I finally graduated seminary (2009)! . . . . I have two marvelous adult children that I am very proud of. And I have 3 grand daughters that thrill me. . . . I have the extreme privilege of attending and working for the best church in No. CA. . . . I became a Christian 3 days before my 16th birthday. 45 years later I'm still growing. . . . AND . . . I'm going on a "God hunt;" will you join me? After all, how can I resist the One who calls ME daughter?

6 responses »

  1. A very kind friend taught me the art making an “A” list. But Id do understand that mental list as well. Letting go of that mental list is tough at times. sometimes a little tap on the shoulder from God reminding us of his faithfulness & what is truly important is often what I need. Afterall who knows our mental list better than us, God does.

  2. Thanks, Lennie, for the reminder, “Out of the mouth of the student comes great wisdom.” If that’s not a proverb it should be. 🙂

    Seriously though, that’s why I really need to spend time with God daily to ask Him what is His will for me that day. Isn’t it “stupid” that there are many times I forget to ask?

    Well, at least for today I won’t forget.

  3. It really is THAT simple, isn’t it! To be honest, I am having a hard time balancing the whole blogging thing in my life. I like to respond to comments and visit other’s blogs, but I have to be careful that it doesn’t effect my real job as a mom and servant of Christ. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Doodah,

    Thanks for this link. I’m going to have a read right now.

    I’m back. What a helpful read. Balance is THE word.

    I also like the idea of celebrating the completion of the list by calling it the Ta Da! list.

    Thanks so much for sharing this.

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