Tag Archives: hospitality

Implementing Hospitality – Part 1


Hospitality has been the theme of my life lately. Words, advice, situations, Bible reading, and stories I come across all seem to relate to this theme. So I did some intentional internet research and found an article by Richard Krekcir that deals with Implementing Hospitality.

For the whole article go to In Thy Word Website. Type in hospitality in the Search for _________ on this Website button. Click Go. You will see 33 hits. It is the first article. Sorry, despite four tries, I wasn’t able to link directly to the article.

I will divide this article into smaller parts. I will post successive parts after I’ve digested the previous one. Please share your comments and learning with me as we go along.

Part 1

Key Passages on Hospitality are below.

The links are to Biblegateway.com and include the verses in three translations: NIV, Amplified and NLT. While there you can also click on the commentary link to get more information.

Matthew 25: 34-43

Luke 10:30-37

Acts 4:32

Romans 12:13

I Timothy 5:10

Hebrews 13:2

I Peter 4:7-11These are the verses that started my hospitality journey.

3 John 1:5-8

I look forward to seeing what you learn.

One purpose of hospitality is refreshment


My friend Lorna* emailed me her comment on hospitality. She doesn’t have a blog and I don’t know how (yet) to let people without blogs leave a message. Any ideas or help from y’all?


I enjoyed reading your blog entry about hospitality. I also realized something.

Going to someone’s home for a visit or meal can be refreshing! I stayed home from E & R’s house last Friday night because I was tired. I also had the opportunity to go to J & M’s house on the same day.

What if the Lord was providing a real opportunity for me to be refreshed?! I just never thought that way before.

Have a good day.
Love, Lorna

* Lorna gave me permission to use her name. Otherwise I will just use the person’s first initial.